Andersen Silva

Saturday, February 18, 2017


In the four weeks since this regime has been in power, I've marched against the immigrant / refugee / Muslim ban and taken part in yesterday's general strike. (In fact, I'm even mentioned in a Village Voice article about the latter.)

Me in Washington Sq. Park; photo by Daniel Albanese / TheDustyRebel

In my last 'blog post, just hours before the inauguration, I expressed a willingness to give Donald Trump a chance, and a desire to have my concerns proven groundless. Well, we all know how that's turned out. Firstly, he's way too thin-skinned for the position. If the poor little snowflake can't take the same level of abuse that Barack Obama took from him and others without getting defensive and petty, then maybe it's time to retire. And stop the fascist attacks on the press. Maybe his die-hard fans believe that the media is their enemy, but true lovers of liberty know better. Sure, some outlets do show a bias, in one direction or another, and the media does share in the blame for getting this mess elected (as do we, the people) by not taking him seriously enough until it was too late, but it is clearly more important than ever that we have a free press that can hold his (and any) administration accountable for its actions. (If you want to let Trump's people know what you think about what they think about the media, take their survey here.)

In addition, the Petulant has appointed agency heads who seem intent on destroying those agencies (Betsy DeVos - Secretary of "Education"; Scott Pruitt - Administrator of the EPA; Tom Price - Secretary of HHS; Ryan Zinke - Secretary of the Interior... at least we avoided getting the Putz as Secretary of Labor). We get alternative facts lies almost daily from the Ministry of Propaganda's Sean Spicer, Kellyanne Conway, Reince Priebus, Stephen Miller, or Trump himself. Repeating something often and loudly enough does not make it any less false. And you're not going to distract us from Michael Flynn's very real and possibly illegal sanctions discussions with the Russian government before his short-lived appointment, or the Russian attempts to influence the election (which popular vote you still lost). House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz needs to investigate these issues, and Conway's Ivanka Trump commercial, and Donald's North Korea discussions with Japanese Prime Minister Abe out in the open at Mar-a-Lago.

Then there's the travel ban, which has already had a negative impact even on citizens and legal residents of the US. And Democratic Hispanic members of Congress being deliberately excluded from a meeting with the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a meeting one of them (Rep. Luis V. GutiƩrrez (D-IL)) had called for in the first place. And the media blackout at some federal agencies (which happily resulted in some of those employees going rogue). And the blind eye regarding science, which probably has to do with all those non-alternative facts. And the absolutely asinine decision to go ahead with the Dakota Access and the Keystone XL pipelines, and to attack the unarmed civilians at Standing Rock. And baseless ranting accusations about voter fraud. And re-filling, rather than draining, the swamp. And potential conflicts of interest that Trump says presidents aren't subject to. And let's not forget the sad, pathetic wall.

Let's not lose sight of the big picture, either, or allow ourselves to become sidetracked. I don't want to consider, or believe, that the man approximately half of America voted into the White House is paving the way to a fascist state (through his own design or the Dark Lord Sauron Steve Bannon's or anyone else's)... but consider it I must. If the administration continues to insist on denying facts as produced by science or reported on by the press, and we just stand by and let them without holding them to account, then our constitutional federal republic is at risk of becoming... something else entirely.

I don't know yet if I'm going to attend tomorrow's "Today, I Am A Muslim Too" rally in Times Square, though I support it regardless. I am definitely taking part in the Washington, D.C. March for Science on Earth Day. I'm going to keep raising my voice in protest every time I think this administration does something to hurt what this country and its people stand for. Not everyone can make every (or even any) protest or rally or march, and I understand that... but we owe it to ourselves, and each other, and the nation (and the world!) to speak up, to stand up, to rise up- and to resist.

And hey, it's easy enough to take part in the Ides of Trump postal event.  :-)

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