Andersen Silva

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Slime the Comic!

Slime, the Web comic that Laura and I came up with and are working on together, is now live!  The first strip was published this morning, and a new one will be added every Thursday.  We've been having a lot of fun creating this thing, and we hope you have as much fun reading it.  You can see Slime (and add an RSS feed if you're into that, and hey, even like our Facebook Page and give us a +1 on Google!) at

I've also been inspired to compose a short bit of new music, "Slime Theme," which you can listen to on the home page by clicking on the musical notes at the upper right, or on my various music sites/pages.  It wasn't originally going to have that Brazilian samba thing going on, but... that's how it turned out.  Hope you like it!

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