Andersen Silva

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Flying Leap

It's Leap Day, February 29th, and I've decided to take a little leap by asking seriously that people check out my Web sites and my music, and tell me what you think, and tell me who you think I sound like (if anyone).

My personal Web site,, is filled with pictures and anecdotes and my writing and old microblog posts and... well, all kinds of things related to me.  I started a site over 15 years ago, and it's grown and morphed into what you see there. is a Web comic started this month by my artistic girlfriend Laura and me; she draws it, I scan and edit it and add the text and then upload the strip each Thursday morning.  We've been having a lot of fun with it and have gotten some positive feedback (and some constructive criticism), but we'd love to hear from more of you.  The musical notes in the upper right-hand corner of the Slime home page will let you listen to the "Slime" Theme I put together for the site.

You can read about my music and see lyrics at (you can also listen to it there, or at ReverbNation, where the more listens I get, the higher my ranking goes); you can buy my music from the iTunes Music Store or from CD Baby).  I've got a few songs written that I need to record, and I've got a few more songs in my head that need to be written and recorded before long.  Make Music New York is on the horizon...

I need to spruce up the ReverbNation page and my several other music pages, but it occurred to me lately that, while I've always thought of myself as sounding a little like certain artists, I don't hear too much from other people who they think I sound like.  So... who do you think I sound like?  E-mail me with some feedback, about that or anything else I mentioned here, thanks!  And happy Leap Day!

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