Andersen Silva

Thursday, September 29, 2011

41 Today...

It's my birthday again. Seems to happen around this time every year... but I'm not tired of it. Not yet.

In fact, aside from the annoyance of being on-site in midtown east Manhattan for a frakked SQL database, rather than in my new office in Paramus, I'm feeling pretty good about this birthday. After having been diagnosed with a rare lymphocyte cancer in June, my dad is looking and feeling so much better, and his recent sixth chemotherapy session may turn out to be the last. I completed moving into a bigger office, with my own window to the outside, yesterday, though I need some art and photos to make it a bit homier. I finally dropped the MacBook Pro off at the Apple Store yesterday, and while it will be rough to be without it for a few days, it will be nice to again have a laptop that is completely operational, with all its circuits functioning perfectly.

Pam and I are together no longer, and the distance between us played a part in that. I have since found my world turned upside-down by a young woman named Laura from Staten Island, however, and we are dating quite happily. I'm even planning on putting a bit of her artwork and a photo or two of us into my new office (you can see said photos in the Gallery... of Death!), and we're celebrating my birthday tonight with some sushi. She likes to see and hear me play and is supportive of my music, and is inspiring me to create more. Laura makes me feel happier than I have in years, and that's just one of the reasons I love her.

So, while my birth certificate (which says that I was born in Paterson, NJ, and not Brazil or Kenya or anything like that) might show that I'm 41 today, inside I'm still much the giddy, goofy, and geeky 18-year old I've been for much of my life. Much as I did ten years ago, I rode the 32 bus into Manhattan today (though I got on in Lyndhurst today, not Nutley, and Alex, my Bus Buddy, no longer rides the DeCamp bus regularly, either), but my world is quite different than it was then. For my birthday, be happy for me. I am.

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