Andersen Silva

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


OK, Donald Trump is calling for tougher libel laws? The guy who doesn't think twice (probably not even once) about accusing the President of the United States of America of not being American-born, or alleging that a senator's Cuban father was with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the JFK assassination, or libelinglabeling several investigations into potential collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives as a "witch hunt?" This guy wants it to be harder to say things about someone that aren't true and get away with it? 😂

I guess maybe he doesn't know how else to react to the double-whammy releases of the "Fire and Fury" book and the Fusion GPS testimony transcript. (The Senate report on Putin's Asymmetric Assault on Democracy in Russia and Europe probably doesn't sit well, either.) Well, yeah, he's throwing in some of his usual moves, too: threatening lawsuits, fuming petulantly on Twitter... The thing about libel, though, is that you have to have some character before it can be assassinated. The genius doth protest too much, methinks.

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